Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's been a long time

Oh, boy. I just remembered that I haven't posted anything in three years! Part of the reason for that is because of a mastodon stampede. In 2010 the Denver Museum of Nature & Science started excavating a remarkable fossil site in Snowmass, Colorado. It was muddy, rainy, sunny, hot, cold and exciting! Research in other areas, including Corral Bluffs, came to a screeching halt! I had the opportunity to participate in this dig. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. Also, Ultra Petroleum purchased Banning-Lewis Ranch and we lost our permission to access that property.

The mastodons have all been bathed and put to bed up at DMNS and now life goes on. We will schedule some field time in July with the DMNS paleontologists. And if Ultra sells the property since no profitable oil could be found, we may have access again to BLR. I'm excited to continue our work!

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